It is Time to Revive the Ancient Vedic Education System — KAILASA’s Nithyananda Gurukul


“Education means constantly breaking your impossibilities, making all the best possibilities manifest.”

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam shares:

At the Gurukul, apart from having the ability to live an extraordinary life with these powers, students are also trained to be able to handle any situation that life puts down in front of them. Every aspect of the student’s life from the food to the cognitions they hold about life is aligned according to the Vedas and Agamas in order to make them into world leaders.”

“I had the great fortune of living in an amazing Gurukul in Tiruvannamalai. Multiple Hindu specialists in Adi-Shaivam, Vedanta, Siddhanta, Bhakti Sampradaya fields reproduced their Enlightenment in My system. Whatever I received from My Gurus, I am sharing it and reproducing it in My Gurukul.”


Your body has to be properly built when you are young with:

  • The right conscious powerful cognitions: You need them to manifest, to have superconscious conscious breakthrough!
  • Pure organic sattvic food: The only and important necessity for a practicing Yogi is to be pure vegetarian. Yogis preferably consume only sattvic food. Sattvic foods are abundant in Prana. It means food which is rich in Prana, the universal life-force energy. The high level of prana in organic food supports spiritual practices.
  • Intense sincere Nithyananda Yoga: Nithyananda Yoga is the revival of THE original Yoga. It has been revealed and gifted to the world by Living Avatar His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam as per the intention of Paramashiva, not as a mere physical exercise but as a clear path to manifest yogic powers.
  • Puja: Puja is a ritualistic offering. Puja means, reminding yourself everyday of all the initiations and all the great experiences that happened with the master and bringing yourself back to the same high consciousness repeatedly.
  • Everyday Satsangs: Listening to the Master supports you for enlightenment.
  • Vaakyartha Sadhas and Jeevartha Sadhas: Having Vakyartha Sadhas (traditional way of discussing) everyday gives us the complete understanding about the Sacred Cosmic Truths revealed in the Scriptures. When we keep these spiritual truths in our inner space and contemplate on it, our incompletions (powerlessness) melt down and we live Advaitha (oneness).

Ma Sowmya — Shivani (6 years old) & Shakti (1 1/2 years old): Toronto, Canada

Ma Dharshini — Sarvesh (3 1/2 years old) &Nandika (2 years old): Toronto, Canada



KAILASA's Nithyananda Gurukul Canada Montreal
KAILASA's Nithyananda Gurukul Canada Montreal

Written by KAILASA's Nithyananda Gurukul Canada Montreal

Nithyanandam ! KAILASA's Nithyananda Gurukul is a place where students live their highest potential and manifest various spiritual powers with Guru's initiation

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